On-Line Registration
The Westlake Village Swim Team uses Active Swim Manager (a web-based team management service) to register swimmers and volunteers each season. Here is some important information about WOW online registration hosted at www.active.com:
- If you don’t remember your Active password from last summer, do not register as a new user. Instead, enter your e-mail address and click on “forgot your password.” A new password will be sent to your email account.
- If you are new to Active and WOW, start by signing in as a New User.
- As you are registering, add a “Secondary Contact” if you want someone in addition to the Primary Contact to receive WOW e-mails through the Active.com system.
- Parents are highly encouraged to sign up for volunteer positions as part of registration. See below for a list of positions and brief descriptions.
- Please note that Swimmer Code of Conduct Acknowledgement and Media Release Authorization have been added to the registration process. If you have any questions about either policy, please contact Tina Huber (twirltina@aol.com) for assistance.
- You can register as many swimmers as needed, but will be asked about one swimmer at a time.
- Registration fees for the second and subsequent swimmers in a family are at a discount price.
– If you are registering more than one swimmer: when you finish the first registration on the “Review cart & check out” screen, look to the right of “ORDER DETAILS” and above the dark blue line for a blue link [+Add Another Registration]. 
– Click on this button and you will brought back to start another registration.
– Repeat as necessary until you see all of your swimmers listed under “ORDER DETAILS” on the “Review cart & check out” screen. Then move on to “Payment Options.”
- You have two payment choices: Pay in full at point of purchase or pay later via check to the WOW Treasurer, Susan Patterson. Should you choose to pay later, it is expected that you will provide payment ASAP.
- Active.com is a commercial site. You do not have to sign up for or buy any products that they are offering or promoting including but not limited to magazines.
- If you have questions, problems or concerns about registration or while registering, please e-mail Scott Decker (wowdatamanager@gmail.com) for assistance.
Volunteer Positions:
Clerk of Course – lines up swimmers by lane prior to their event.
Team Rep – represents the WOW team at meets.
Concessions – helps sell food items during home meets.
Head Timer – coordinates timers for each lane.
Timer – records the time for a swimmer in a lane.
Stroke and Turn – deck officials who evaluate swimmers during events to ensure they are swimming in accordance with the official rules (requires PMSL training).
Sweep Judge – deck officials who determine the order of finish for each heat/event.
Head Judge – prepares roster of official, reviews time sheets, sweep sheets and DQ forms before they are scored.
Scorer – records order of finish for each event, times for each swimmer and compiles team scores (requires training).
Snack Bar – coordinates staffing, inventory and sales for each pool snack bar.
Equipment Setup/Tear Down – assist in configuring pool for meets and/or returning it to normal use after the meet is over.
Equip Manager – maintains swim team equipment used during home meets.
Runner – collects time sheets for each heat and delivers them to the
Ribbon Writer – prepares and sorts place ribbons for each event
Data Entry – assists the Scorer with entering swimmer times into the scoring software.